My First Book: Get Organized

Get Organized: How to Clean Up Your Messy Digital Life grew out of a weekly column I write for The column teaches very simply ways in which most people can better manage their digital lives. In other words, it's all about being organized with your technology, as well as how to make yourself more organized through technology.
The book is like a starter's guide to getting organized with technology. It begins with the computer, and even more specifically with the desktop. How should a clean desktop look? What are the benefits of a clean desktop (hint: it can increase your productivity and focus)?
It then takes baby steps into concepts like coming up with a consistent way that you name your files so that you can know at a glance exactly what each file contains, without even having to open it.
The book gets a little more advanced as it goes on, but it still circles back to some basics, like how to clean a smartphone tidy and what kinds of things you should put on your smartphone to stay organized (grocery shopping list, family calendar, an app that gives you access to important files on your home or office computer, for example).
You can buy the Get Organized ebook for Kindle on Amazon, and the Get Organized iPad version from iTunes. Barnes & Noble appears to be behind in processing the Nook edition (c'est la vie). There will be a small run of print books at a higher price in the coming weeks. I'm not sure how much it will cost, but probably in the neighborhood of $15-$20. The ebook is $4.99.
And you can read the weekly column every Monday on
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